Blühende Kakteen - Alle Tafeln der Iconographia Cactacearum

Toni Gürke, Detlev Metzing, Dr. Karl Schumann, Max GürkeFrom 1900 to 1921, the Deutsche Kakteengesellschaft published almost 200 color plates with flowering cacti in the Iconographia Cactacearum. The drawings, made by Mrs. Toni Gürke not only impress with the beautiful flowers, but also with the lifelike representation of the cacti. Precisely depicted thorns, carefully worked out structures and the right choice of colors are convincing on every page. In addition to the large and detailed drawings, the short descriptions create a coherent overall impression of the respective plant, which is not only exciting for cactus friends, but also gives newcomers a rich insight. There is also the option of using a QR code to find out more about the plants. The design remains simple and clear without sacrificing quality. As an expert, Dr. Detlev Metzing made important contributions with his additions to put the color plates in an understandable and botanical framework. However, the quality is not only to be found within the many illustrated pages, but is also reflected in the high-quality linen-embossed cover, which makes the book a timeless work. The interplay of details, expert knowledge and modern use of technical supplements make the book a new and important enrichment in cactus literature. 2022, 21 x 31 cm, 192 pages, ca. 200 pictures, german language
  • Blühende Kakteen - Alle Tafeln der Iconographia Cactacearum
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